About Us
The WVBCT is made up of five regional WV Building Trades Councils. Learn more about our organization, and how we further the construction trades in West Virginia.About The WVBCT: What We Do
Serve our members, advocate policies that enhance growth, educate the public on our involvement.
Each council works with their respective representatives from area local unions, and together we manage the needs and economic opportunities of all our members. Through this collaboration we are committed to furthering the work opportunities of our skilled trades people and expanding our footprint in the state as the largest private sector job creation sector.
One of the ways we work to grow our impact is by promoting and assisting our affiliates with their apprenticeship programs. These programs are managed jointly by a committee made up of craft unions and union (signatory) contractors. They are called Joint Apprenticeship Training Committees (JATC). To find out more about our varied trades apprenticeship program, click here.

Affiliated Construction Trades (ACTWV)
ACT WV is the research, advertising and public relations arm of the West Virginia State Building Trades. The objectives of this Division are:
- to aid and assist all affiliated local unions within the construction industry in all lawful activities as may from time to time be appropriate;
- to aid in marketing the construction trades and construction trades unions;
- to aid in providing construction contract bid information to interested parties when it is in the best interests of WVBCT
- to provide legal services to aid in the achievement of the goals of WVBCT; and,
- political action functions.
ACT WV functions as a watchdog of public works projects making sure there is a level playing field for fair competition and trying to ensure that the public’s tax dollars are spent appropriately. ACT WV also strives to deliver a message to the general public about important issues facing West Virginia’s working families regardless of union affiliation.
ACT WV is proudly funded by union construction workers who care about not only the construction industry but all issues affecting working families.
Our History

Our Purpose
- Helping Build a Skilled Workforce
- Supporting Members and Contractors in Building and Construction Industry
- Advocating for Our Members and Councils
- Developing Awareness and Outreach Opportunities

Our Values
- Respect
- Teamwork
- Partnerships
- Dependability
- Service
- Community
- Diversity
- Inclusion